I just finished reading the book " Ikigai- the Japanese secret to a long and happy life" for the umpteenth time. This best seller is a must-read for all the busy bees of this generation.
Ikigai basically means the things that make our life worthwhile. Every day morning what makes you get out of bed? You may think it's your job or school or something similar. But if you think deeply is it that thing alone that makes you want to stay alive..
For each one of us ikigai is different. For some, it may be excelling in their chosen field. For few, it may be rendering some kind of service to the society. For many, it may be the search to understand the self.
In this context I was just wondering what was my ikigai.. Was it to be the best banker in the world by achieving all targets? ..No! Was it to be the best parent in the world by framing all rules and regulations to raise a daughter like how society wants? No! Was it to stay logged onto Facebook sifting through profiles? Certainly No! Was it to keep munching chocolates uncontrollably while being glued to the TV? No again!
My mind kept throwing all sorts of questions. But I couldn't get an answer nor could I quieten my chattering mind... That's when I realized may be ikigai was to find my ikigai...in simpler terms, the purpose of my life was the quest to find the purpose of my life. Each passing day is taking me closer to it. I have realized all I need to know is to be aware of my existence and not to waste away my breaths in trivial stuff. It doesn't mean that we need to be an ascetic. We are all born to enjoy all worldly things but in moderation, in the right amount.
So folks! Open your eyes and ears to the marvels of the universe. Practice mindfulness. Make use of our own oft neglected treasure Yoga. Get to know more about wabi Sabi.. This life is an amazing opportunity to grow and explore. Don't let technology or negative emotions or toxic people overrule you. Next time you wake up think about what's your ikigai and let me know!